The Threshold

The Threshold

“Crossing the waters” for personal and spiritual development is an arduous task. I liken it to leaving a land you were familiar with because it is no longer hospitable, for whatever reason, and you have to “cross the waters” to reach a new land where life can begin anew. The thing is--the waters you must cross exist in the midst of a perpetual storm. Now, you don't know this initially. Getting away from shore is relatively easy, even gives a bit of an emotional high. You're free! Right? But as you go further, the sky darkens, the waves are choppy, the air picks up, and eventually your boat capsizes. The vessel you chose was made out of materials from whence you came. It was not designed for these waters. And so you swim. If you can. If you know how to swim, then you must make the long journey to the new shore. If you can't, then you have to decide to fight for your life. What does that look like? Asking for help. Because guess what? Depending on how far you got across the waters before your boat capsized, lifeguards will be present in the water. They can spot you because they've been trained, either by themselves & their own journey and/or by another. For the ones who can swim, the lifeguards will point to the light coming from the lighthouse in the distance. Sometimes that’s enough for a swimmer as it provides a dose of Hope (a Divine Virtue) which then renews their spirit so they can push further….which then gives way to a blessing of Faith (a Divine Virtue) which steels their resolve to complete the journey. Sometimes the swimmers need the lifeguard to swim with them the entire way regardless because they are losing strength; and the lifeguard will easily oblige. For those in the midst of drowning who haven't given up, the lifeguard will come in and pull them to the new shore. However, if the person fights the rescue, the lifeguard will let go lest they risk being drowned as well. When the person is ready again to accept the help and push through the fear, then the rescue can continue. This may happen many times until the shore is reached. 

The lighthouse keeper's job is to maintain the light at the top of the tower. They may have previously been one of those people swimming, drowning, or even a lifeguard themselves. They also may not have had any of those experiences but rather exist as a representative of the new land and are there to welcome the new people. 

Many who have crossed the water stay at the shore. 

Some wait to see if their loved ones have made it. 

Some are too afraid to go into the new land. 

Some want to train to become a lifeguard. 

Some don't know how to be anything other than a lifeguard. 

Some are willing to maintain the light for others on the journey. 

Some get bored of holding the light and want to go back to lifeguarding every once in a while. 

Some may criticize the light keepers as being detached yet not want to take over the role in their stead. 

Some may think they are the only lighthouse keeper (forgetting that there are others) and thus never allow themselves to live in the land which they're lighting the way for....

What's important for all 3 groups of people to remember is that there is an entire land beyond the shore for them to 

1) rest

2) recover 

3) replenish 

4) and flourish

New things can be learned. New discoveries can be made. New connections can occur. But if the focus is only on everything connected to 'crossing the waters', then the person misses the manifestation from what they invested all that time, energy, and resources into. 

Currently, you are at the shore. You have some choices to make based on the role you've just finished playing. (One role is not better than any other and each has its own medicine and wisdom.)

If you just got out of the water, then you have the choice of becoming a lifeguard (i.e. helping others do what you just did), becoming a lighthouse keeper (i.e. maintaining the light both for those making the journey across the waters AND those doing lifeguard duties), or venturing into the new land for rest/recovery/replenishment/flourishing (with the knowledge that you can also circle back to the other roles if you want to).

If you've been a lifeguard, then you have the choice of being a lighthouse keeper or venturing into the new land.

If you've been a lighthouse keeper (whether or not you've also done the lifeguard role), then it's time to venture into the new land.

Where are you now? 

If you're scared of or resistant to the next role, then take a look at why that is. It may be your indication that that's exactly where you're supposed to focus your attention and thus to use this time to make the transition out of the old role and into the new one. 

Remember what it took to cross the waters. See how it's actually NOT that serious right now--meaning you won't have to fight for your life like you did before. 

(Did you notice that I said that everyone is at the shore? You made it. So keep going.... and if you really love your current role, you don't have to change. The work needs to be done, whether it's by you or another. God will honor your 'Yes'.)

There are 3 upcoming, mini-thresholds to different branches of experience in this new timeline. (Remember the new timeline began on Sunday, March 15th leading into Spring Equinox.) At this stage we get to set the intention for how expansive of an experience we want to have over the coming years. This is a "seed" time. Depending on when you choose to take action on those things that are in alignment with the new, the faster the manifestation will occur in your life. The longer you wait, the more time you're choosing to work on something. Obviously, everything needs to be set at it's own appropriate pace so that we don't fumble the ball (!!!) so be mindful of "ego" which may be telling you that you 'should' be at a certain place, with certain accomplishments, at a certain time. 

The first threshold was May 5th/6th with the True North Node-calculated shift into Gemini. Those areas of life which you've walked the furthest in faith in by this time (i.e. April 22nd - May 4th) will represent where you experience the fastest rate of change.

The second threshold is the Full Moon Lunar Eclipse on June 5th at 15 degrees Sagittarius, which is also the Mean North Node-calculated shift into Gemini. Those areas of life that have required a bit more time and consideration during the month of May will have moderate and measured growth.

The third threshold is the Summer Solstice New Moon Solar Eclipse at 0 degree Cancer. This will also provide moderate growth for the months ahead.

Again, give everything it's appropriate timing based on how complex it is. Speed doesn't equal success if the foundation isn't stable. That first threshold represents the "easy" stuff (for you). The second and third thresholds represent the more complex things where you're still working on mastery yet are also at a strong place of adeptness. 

I invite you to actively choose to lean into the newness your soul is looking to create. Operate from a place of more joy, creativity, and wholeness. And of course, reach out for a session if you need to touch base with someone who works for Mother (this is a reference from the North Node in Gemini specialty video). Stay blessed.